The water and aquatic environments glossary provides defintions on the water and aquatic environments themes in french, english and spanish in order to facilitate their understanding by as many people as possible.
- it contains more than 2105 terms and their definitions ;
- each term can be associated with 3 different meanings (common, technical and regulatory) ;
- it is multilingual (french, english and spanish) ;
- it is structured about 17 themes : environment and habitat, species, hydromorphology, climate, politics, usages, etc.
The glossary is piloted by the International Office for Water (iowater) with the financial support of the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB).
It is collaborative : each web user can submit a request for terms changes or additions. How to contribute?
To ensure the reliability of the information disseminated, each definition is reviewed and potentially supplemented by a group of reviewers composed of thematicists from organizations recognized in the field of water and the environment. The processes and modalities of content production are specified in the editorial charte.
The glossary is said to be shared, its content being made available to all for reuse. How to reuse?
The glossary is built according to the standards of the semantic web (RDF, SKOS, SPARQL ...) thus making it possible to disseminate structured and optimized information for more efficient uses.