Glossaire de A à Z

Aarhus Convention

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Convention signed in Aarhus, Denmark, on 25 June 1998 under the auspices of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) dealing with access to information, public participation in the decision-making process and access to justice regarding environmental issues.
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Abstraction protection zone

Updated on 18/03/2020
Sens commun

All the sectors of the catchment area most vulnerable to diffuse pollution. It corresponds to a realistic intervention scale to improve the quality of water at the catchment. Depending on the type of catchment and its environment, there may be one or more distinct zones.

According to MEDDE
Sens technique

Area identified by the intersection of the cartographic zoning of intrinsic vulnerability and the zoning of agricultural pressures developed following technical-economic studies focused on risk assessment. The catchment area protection area is identified as part of the definition of action programs on catchment areas. This is an optional process leading to the identification of an area subject to environmental constraints (ZSCE), the protection area of ​​the catchment area. The founding regulatory text of the catchment area protection zone is the departmental decree delimiting this same zone.

According to SANDRE

Abstraction supply zones

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

Area on which the water that soaks into the ground supplies the abstraction for drinking water.

According to the Ministry for the Environment and the Ministry for the Agriculture


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Quantitative parameter for describing a population. The complete quantification of a fauna or flora population is usually impossible. By extension, it means a number of individuals in a given category: population, recruitment, stock, relative to a time or surface unit.
According to Ifremer

Abyssal plain

Updated on 04/12/2018
Sens commun
Flat expanse that covers the bottom of the oceans, at the level of the abyssal floor at an average depth of 4.000 meters. The abyssal plain corresponds to 80% of the total ocean surface.
according to the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation of 2017

Accidental pollution

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
As opposed to "chronic pollution", it is a pollution characterized by unpredictability about: the time of the accident, the place of the accident, the type of pollutant, the amount spilled, the circumstances of the accident, the consequences of the accident.
According to Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency

Acclimatised species

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens commun
Species that has managed to settle permanently in a geographical area that is not its own.
according to MNHN

Accumulated precipitation

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Accumulated precipitation height at a location over a given period.
according to METEO FRANCE


Updated on 16/01/2023
Sens technique

A substance that dissociates more or less completely in aqueous solution to produce hydrogen ions H+. An acid is stronger the more it gives off H+ ions in water. Some acids: sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl), nitric acid (HNO3)...

according to OiEau

Acid rain

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Anthropogenic air pollutant which is dissolving in moist air and falling back in a liquid or solid form on plants, soils, water and minerals. It is called acid when its pH is less than 5.6. The main sources of these pollutants are: industry, thermal power stations, domestic heating and cars emitting sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
According to Ifremer

Activated sludge

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

Biomass of microorganisms used for treating wastewater from their pollutants (mainly organic matter). Microorganisms are free, suspended in the wastewater, kept inside an aeration tank, and feed on the pollutants. Then, the separation of activated sludge and water occurs in a clarifier: a part of the sludge is put back into the aeration tanks, while the other part (corresponding to the increase of stock) is discharged.

According to FNDAE

Activated sludge filter

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Biological wastewater treatment in which a mixture of wastewater and suspended organic matter is agitated and aerated. The activated sludge is then separated from the treated wastewater by secondary settling, and then returned to the aeration tank or eliminated in the form of residual sludge.
According to CEN

Active population

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Population regrouping the employed (also called labour force) and unemployed people.
According to INSEE

Active substance (SA)

Updated on 11/04/2022
Sens commun

Substance ou microorganisme qui exerce une action sur ou contre les organismes nuisibles (autrement que par une action physique ou mécanique). On en trouve dans les produits biocides (PB) comme par exemple dans les anti-moustiques ou les gels hydroalcooliques. Afin de limiter les risques pour la santé humaine et l’environnement, les SA doivent être approuvées au préalable pour pouvoir placer un PB sur le marché

d'après Ministère chargé de la santé

Adapted Global Biological Index

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Index for assessing the biological quality of the water of a river through an analysis of macro invertebrates, adapted to the specificities of large and deep rivers, where the IBGN protocol (Standardized Global Biological Index) may not always be strictly respected.
According to OFB

Additional monitoring

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Control of surface waters, as part of the water status monitoring programme, listed in the Register of protected areas : intakes of drinking water intended for human consumption (more than 100 m3/day on the average), water bodies of species habitat and protection areas (which are included in the operational monitoring programme when they may not meet their environmental goals).

According to OFB

Administrative Basin Commission

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens réglementaire

Commission established in each basin or group of basins, chaired by the basin coordinator prefect and composed of prefects of regions, prefects of departments (administrative divisions), heads of regional State centres in charge of environmental issues, the regional director for the environment who acts as basin delegatee and paymaster of the area where the basin committee has its home office, as well…

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Admissible/acceptable daily intake (ADI)

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Amount of chemicals that a man or an animal can swallow per day, during his/its life, without any appreciable risk to his/its health. Values are especially established for food additives and pesticide residues whose presence in food meets technical requirements or that are necessary for the protection of plants.
According to Ademe


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Penetration of a substance through a barrier for exchange with the organism.
According to BRGM


Updated on 06/02/2025
Sens technique

Bacteria that grow in the presence of free or dissolved oxygen from the air.

according to OiEau


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

Relative significance of the cost of public water supply and sanitation services (production, conveyance and distribution of drinking water; collection, conveyance and treatment of wastewater) in the available income of consumers. This criterion is to be taken into account, e.g. when defining an overall price policy for public water supply and sanitation services.

According to the Ministry for the Environment

African Clawed Frog

Updated on 06/02/2025
Sens commun

The African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) is an amphibian from the Pipidae family. Its body is flattened and smooth, gray-brown marbled with black spots, with lateral seams on its sides, throat, and belly. Its eyes are positioned on top of its head, and it lacks a tympanum. Highly aquatic, this species can also move on land for several hundred meters.

Adults hibernate in the mud at the bottom of the water.

according to INPN

Agenda 21

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Action Plan for the 21st century focusing on sustainable development. Agenda 21 was adopted by the countries signatories of the Rio de Janeiro Declaration in June 1992. Its main functions are to alleviate poverty and social exclusion, to produce sustainable goods and services and to protect the environment.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency

Aggregation bias

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
Bias induced during an investigation, when the numbers of users of several sites are added while the overall improvement of environmental quality will not bring the same benefits at each site.
According to Kenneth McConnell (economist)

Agri-environmental grants

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens commun
Financial accompanying measure, achieved within the framework of the agro environmental and climatic measures (MAEC), offered to farmers to encourage them to turn to an agriculture being more environment-friendly. This financial aid has to be approved by a regional committee, and its payment implies acting in accordance with a precise mission statement, in relation with the performed changes. Its amount is estimated through the calculation of the additional costs, or by the loss of income caused by the agro environmental practices.
According to Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Chamber of Agriculture

Agricultural pollution

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Pollution resulting from agricultural activities. There are two types of agricultural pollution: point source pollution, which may be the consequence of accidental handling of products or pollution from livestock buildings; non-point source pollution, resulting from poor fertilisation practices or excessive phytosanitary treatments. Agricultural pollution can also result from poor land management and spatial and plot planning that no longer limits erosion or pollutant transfers on a catchment area scale.
according to the Adour-Garonne Water Agency

Agro-Environmental and Climate Measure (MAEC )

Updated on 27/04/2021
Sens commun

Dispositif qui permet aux agriculteurs de bénéficier d'une aide financière dans le cadre d'un contrat d'une durée de un à cinq ans. Calculée selon le nombre d’hectares (entre 50 et 900 euros à l'hectare), cette indemnisation doit compenser les coûts supplémentaires et manques à gagner de leur transition écologique. Ce dispositif est financé par l'État, les collectivités territoriales, l'Europe et les Agences de l'eau.

d'après Ministère de l'agriculture


Updated on 28/04/2021
Sens technique

Démarche scientifique attentive aux phénomènes biologiques qui combine développement agricole et protection/régénération de l’environnement naturel. Elle est à la base d’un système global de gestion d’une agriculture multifonctionnelle et durable, qui valorise les agro-écosystèmes, optimise la production et minimise les intrants.

Des systèmes de production agricole valorisant la diversité biologique et les processus naturels (cycles de l’azote, du carbone, de l’eau, équilibres biologiques entre organismes ravageurs et auxiliaires des cultures…). L’agroécologie se développe dans le champ scientifique comme une approche intégrant les concepts et méthodes d’une diversité de disciplines dont l’agronomie, l’écologie, l’économie, la sociologie.


d'après Ministère de l'agriculture et l'INRAe


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Agricultural practice for land use associating the planting of trees with crops or pastures.
according to BRGM and OFB


Updated on 11/03/2019
Sens commun

Sciences and techniques that aim at understanding the relationships between crops, environments and agricultural techniques, and at improving agriculture.

according to the French Association of Agronomy


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun

Young fish living on its yolk reserves or having not yet acquired its adult form.

according to Larousse dictionary


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Culture of algae (micro or macroalgae) potentially for the production of food (for human beings or animals), food supplements, fertilisers or other products.
according to the mixed syndicate for the development of aquaculture and fishing in the Loire Region


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Unicellular or pluricellular photosynthetic organism usually living in an aquatic environment.
according to Wikipedia

Algal bloom

Updated on 27/02/2019
Sens commun

Phenomenon of exceptional proliferation of algae.

d'après Ifremer

Alien species

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens commun

Any live specimen of a species, subspecies or lower taxon of animals, plants, fungi or micro- organisms introduced outside its natural range; it includes any part, gametes, seeds, eggs or propagules of such species, as well as any hybrids, varieties or breeds that might survive and subsequently reproduce.

according to to European Commission


Updated on 06/02/2025
Sens technique

The content of OH- ions in a solution. A solution is more alkaline (or basic) the higher its pH is above 7.

The ability of water to neutralise acids. This property depends, among other things, on the concentration of carbonate ions CO32-, hydrogen carbonates (or bicarbonates) HCO3- and hydroxide ions OH- in water.

according to OiEau


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
A substance (very often a protein) alien to the human body and that can cause an allergy when it enters it (possible ways: ingestion, injection, inhalation...). Seafood (crustaceans, but also molluscs, often seashells and even fish, often scombridae and Gadidae) contain allergens to which some consumers are sensitive. There might be cross-reactivity between some allergens.
According to Ifremer

Allis shad

Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens technique

Fish species belonging to the Clupeidae family (such as sardine and herring). The allis shad are among the anadromous species (i.e. which swim up rivers to spawn in the middle part of the rivers). As such, their populations have paid a heavy price to river development (dams without fish pass facilities, extraction of gravel changing the spawning, etc). Their presence is therefore a good indicator of the status of a river development. Two species of allis shad are present (and exploited) in French waters: the allis shad (Alosa Alosa) and twaite shad (Alosa fallax).

According to Ifremer

Alluvial forest

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
A regularly or exceptionally flooded forest ecosystem. It is a wooded strip along a watercourse whose width is greater than 10 metres. In areas flooded during 150 to 200 days per year, the alluvial forest is composed of permanent vegetation consisting of softwood and dominated by willows, alders. A hardwood forest, consisting of ash and elm trees, settles in the highest areas, flooded at least 50 days per year. These forest habitats are home to the newt, European beaver, the otter and many birds. Most of these habitats are of community interest.
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Alluvial plain

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Plain formed by the deposition of sediments from upstream erosion.
according to UNESCO

Alluvial sheet

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
Volume of groundwater contained in alluvial soils, usually unconfined and often in relation with a watercourse.
According to BRGM


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
All materials (pebbles, gravel, sand) deposited by running water in floodplains, especially during floods.
According to OFB


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Change in the status of an aquatic environment or a river system causing degradation. Alterations are defined by their nature (physical, ionic, organic, toxic, biological, etc.) and their effect (eutrophication, asphyxia, poisoning, change in populations, etc). In most cases these alterations are due to human activities, but they can also be natural.
According to the Ministry of Sustainable Development


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Vertical elevation of a place or object relative to a basic level. Altitude is also a value that expresses a difference between a given point and an average level. On land, this level is usually the sea level (or "zero level"). Specifically, the altitude of the body of water is considered as average for natural water bodies and as normal operating level or normal water retention level (NR) for man-made water bodies. The…
According to OFB

Altruistic value

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
Value corresponding to the willingness to preserve an environmental good that people of the current generation can enjoy.
According to the Ministry for the Environment


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Services provided free of charge by nature or the environment to individuals, associated with notions of comfort, convenience, pleasure and knowledge related to a location. For example, the fact of living on the edge of an urban park or staying in a rural area brings benefits in terms of landscape quality, quietness, microclimate, etc.
According to Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Production of ammonia from organic nitrogen by bacteria or decomposer fungi.
according to Wikipedia


Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun

Vertebrate animal that has the characteristic of starting its life in the water. At birth, an amphibian breathes through its gills, like a fish. As an adult he now has lungs through which he can breathe freely, but he continues to absorb most of the oxygen he needs through the skin.

according to Aquitaine Wildlife Observatory (AWO)


Updated on 08/07/2019
Sens commun

Refers to fish that migrate from river waters to the sea or vice versa, once or several times during their lifetime. We can distinguish anadromous species that migrate up rivers to reproduce and catadromous species that most often live in fresh water and will reproduce at sea.

according to Larousse dictionary and IOWater


Updated on 08/07/2019
Sens commun

A migratory species that migrates from the sea to rivers to reproduce. One example is salmon.

according to MNHN and IOWater


Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

Methodical review allowing both to identify and quantify the different components of water, but also to evaluate its characteristics and state, according to specific criteria. This review is based on the following of specific protocols adapted to the various controlled parameters.

according to IOWater

Analysis laboratory

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens commun

Organization in charge of carrying out analyses or coordinating analyses made by subcontractors. The laboratories are stakeholders which generally act as providers under contracts (procurement). They produce data according to the specifications attached to the order.

According to the Ministry for the Environment

Analyzed fraction

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Component of the substrate/medium to be analyzed. Three broad categories of analyzed fractions were defined by the National Service for Water Data and Reference-dataset Management (Sandre): (i) rough or full substrate (e.g. the "untreated water" fraction analyzed from the "water" substrate); (ii) partial fractions (as classified by part of the same medium, e.g. for sediments: particles

According to OFB and IOWater


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Describes a set of intersecting channels in a wide floodplain, or a delta, well endowed with all kinds of distributaries and cut-offs separated by shoals. The term, borrowed from the medical language, is used in hydrology only as an adjective: we indeed speak of an anastomosed river
According to OFB

Annual average residence time

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Time needed to complete the theoretical water renewal of a body of water, on average, over a calendar year. The residence time of water, expressed in days, can be calculated by the following formula: total capacity / annual discharge of rivers that feed the body of water.
According to OFB

Annual flow

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Average flow over a year: it is most often obtained by adding the average daily water flows of the year and by dividing the result by the number of days in the year.
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Annual mean flow

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Average flow over a year: it is most often obtained by adding the average daily flows of the year and by dividing the result by the number of days in the year.
According to OFB

Annual precipitation

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Mean annual cumulative rainfall at a given location.
according to METEO FRANCE


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Conversion of a natural environment by human action. River development is an example of anthropization.
according to Wikipedia

Anthropocentric value

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Value that can be instrumental and overlaps the concept of economic utilization or non-utilization value, or can be intrinsic and express the value of non-human species for themselves, but always with a subjective perspective because human beings define it (anthropogenic conception of the intrinsic value).
According to Foundation for Research on Biodiversity

Approved laboratory

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Laboratory authorised by the Ministry in charge of the field in which it is competent. For example, the Ministry of Health approves laboratories carrying out analyses on the quality of water intended for human consumption (excluding natural mineral waters), swimming and bathing water (bathing with full amenities and other bathing). Another example is the Ministry of the Environment, which approves laboratories carrying out analyses in the field of water and aquatic environments under the Environment Code.
according to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
All activities related to marine plant cultivation and breeding of marine animals. The words "aquiculture" and even "mariculture" once used are regarded as obsolete synonyms. We distinguish inland aquaculture, which means all fish farming activities in freshwater and marine aquaculture, which means all sea farming activities in sea water. There are four types: shellfish culture (shellfish breeding)), pisciculture (fish farming), the breeding of crustaceans and seaweed (algae culture).
According to Ifremer

Aquatic ecosystem

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun

Specific ecosystem of aquatic environments generally described by the living beings that are part of it, the nature of the bed and river banks, the characteristics of the catchment area, the hydraulic regime, and the physical-chemical characteristics of water.

According to the Ministry for the Environment

Aquatic flora

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Plant species growing in aquatic environments.
according to ADEME

Aquatic insect

Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun

Articulated invertebrate animal which have the characteristic of breathing through trachea. Some insects have become aquatic (representing 3% of insects) but have retained this aerial breathing.

according to INRA

Aquatic mammal

Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun

Set of aquatic vertebrate animals which have the characteristic of being viviparous: the female lets the young grow in its belly, from which they get out alive. Marine mammals living in the oceans (cetaceans), as well as various freshwater species, such as the European otter, are aquatic mammals. Their mode of operation depends on the aquatic ecosystem where they live.

according to Loire-Bretagne Water Agency


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Structure for conveying water from one location to another.
according to the National Centre for Textual and Lexical Resources


Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens commun

Continuous or discontinuous geological formation, containing temporary or permanent water that can be mobilized. It consists of permeable rock (porous or fractured formation) able to provide water naturally or though exploitation (drainage, pumping).

According to BRGM

Aquifer decontamination

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Action to remove pollution from groundwater. Water decontamination can use different approaches (physical, chemical or biological), in situ (directly underground) or ex situ (water pumping, treatment and reinjection).
according to the University of Picardy

Aquifer system

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Set of aquifers constituting a hydrogeological unit. Its hydrodynamic characteristics give it a quasi-hydraulic independence (non-propagation of effects outside its limits). As such, it is an entity for the management of the underground water it contains.

d'après Ministère chargé de l'environnement et OFB

Aquifer vulnerability

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Risk of infiltration of pollutants from the surface, through the soil and unsaturated zone. The vulnerability of aquifers is intrinsic: it depends on the topographic (ground slope), pedological (permeability), geological context (permeability, thickness). A confined aquifer, covered by a low permeability formation (often clays) is not very vulnerable as compared to an unconfined aquifer.
according to BRGM

Arch dam

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Dam with a complex design, which is thin and resistant to the hydraulic pressure by bracing the rocky sides of a valley. These dams are particularly suitable for narrow valleys.
according to the French Committee of Dams and Reservoirs

Area for flood storage purpose

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

Natural or agricultural floodplain (not currently urbanized), that can be extended to floods whose occurrence is higher than the hundred-year flood, as part of a hydrogeomorphical approach. When local stakes require it (level of hazards, areas considered important, etc), floodplains, which, at the date of approval of the river basin management plan (SDAGE), are classified "to be urbanized" but are not yet highly urbanized, may be considered, for their part not yet urbanized, as areas for flood storage purpose.

According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency

Area with environmental restrictions

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens réglementaire
Regulatory system resulting from the law on water and aquatic environments of 30 December 2006, intended to implement action plans for the protection of zones with environmental stakes, especially in aquatic environments (areas of drinking water intakes, wetlands, areas prone to soil erosion).
according to BRGM and OFB

Article 5 report

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD), it means analyzing the whole basin or group of basins, focusing on three aspects: characteristics of the basin or group of basins, impacts of human activities on water status and economic analysis of water use. The assessment especially aims to prepare later the master plan for water development and management * (SDAGE) and the programme of measures by assessing the risk of not achieving the environmental objectives for water bodies. The first assessments were adopted by the basin committees and approved by the basin coordinator prefects in…

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Artificial groundwater recharge

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Man action of replenishing an aquifer. The artificial recharge of an aquifer can be used to regulate water resources by storing water, to treat wastewater or to recover aquifer drawdown (in volume or pressure) caused by pumping, but also to limit or prevent salt water intrusions into coastal aquifers to ensure the sustainability of their quality. It is carried out by infiltration from surface structures (basins, ditches) or by injection wells and boreholes.
according to BRGM

Artificial rain

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Rain caused by the disturbance of a microphysical equilibrium occurring in clouds. Artificial rain can be produced by seeding clouds, with the introduction of ice-forming nucleuses of silver iodide.
National Association for the Study and Control of Weather Calamities

Artificial water body

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
A body of surface water created by human activities in an area that was previously dry. It can be for instance an artificial lake or canal. These water bodies are designated by the same criteria as heavily modified water bodies and must achieve the same objectives (good ecological potential and good chemical status), set out by the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB


Updated on 04/12/2018
Sens commun
Moving an environment or landscape from a relatively natural status to a man-made status.
according to IFREMER

Artificialization of soils

Updated on 14/06/2021
Sens commun

Transformation d'un sol à caractère naturel ou agricole par des actions d’aménagement, pouvant entraîner son imperméabilisation totale ou partielle.



d'après Ministère en charge de l'environnement, OFB et PLanete-info
Sens technique

Phénomène qui consiste à transformer un sol naturel, agricole ou forestier, par des opérations d’aménagement pouvant entraîner une imperméabilisation partielle ou totale, afin de les affecter notamment à des fonctions urbaines ou de transport (habitat, activités, commerces, infrastructures, équipements publics…). En France comme dans d’autres pays, du fait de l'étalement de notre urbanisation et de nos infrastructures, l'artificialisation des sols augmente.

Cette réduction est préjudiciable à la biodiversité, au climat et à la vie terrestre en général : Accélération de la perte de biodiversité ; Réchauffement climatique ; Amplification des risques d'inondations ; perte de productivité agricole ; Accroissement des dépenses liées aux réseaux (routes, électricité, assainissement) ; Ajout d’autre nuisance à la biodiversité (nuisance…

d'après Ministère en charge de l'environnement et OFB

Assessment data

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Data resulting from an assessment.
According to OFB

Assessment process

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Implementation of a sequence of operations for assessing the status of water qualify on an assessment site according to one or more quality elements over a given period and in accordance with a given assessment profile.
According to OFB

Assigned flow

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

According to the Water Act of 1992, "when hydraulic development works, other than those conceded or authorized and intended or resulting in the regulation of the flow of a non-State owned watercourse or for increasing its flow during low-flow periods, all or part of the artificial

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Associated groundwater

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

A groundwater sheet neighbouring a stream and whose hydraulic properties are closely related to those of the stream. The exploitation of such a sheet leads to a decrease in the low-flow of the river, either because the groundwater sheet provides less water to the stream, or because the river begins to feed the sheet.

According to BRGM

Associated station

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Differs depending on the type of the measuring station. For a twin-gauge station, the station associated with the "mother" station is the daughter station and vice versa. For a virtual station, the associated stations are those used to reconstruct the flow rate.
According to SCHAPI

Athens Protocol

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources adopted on 17 May 1980 in Athens and entered into force on 17 June 1983. The Athens Protocol was modified by amendments adopted on 7 March 1996 in Syracuse. The agreement is now entitled "Protocol for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution from land-based sources and activities".
according to the Mixed Syndicate of the Etang de Berre


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Collection of geographical maps. The National Service for Water Data and Reference-dataset Management (Sandre), in particular, provides geo-referenced data (e.g. water bodies, measuring stations, river basin areas such as BD Carthage, regulatory zoning, etc) via an online service, known as Atlas, on the Sandre website.

According to OFB and IOWater

Atlas of flooded areas

Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun
Mapping of the surface area flooded by a significant high water level that allows keeping record of the largest floods.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency

Atlas of floodplains

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Mapping of the surface area that would be flooded by high water levels modelled for each frequency (10-year to 100-year floods) or determination by a hydro-geomorphologic method of homogeneous spatial units modelled for different types of floods. The Atlas of floodplains thus represent potential flood-prone areas having (or not) been flooded by a known high water level.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency

Atmospheric pollution

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Environmental pollution by a chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. For example, appliances used for combustion in homes, motor vehicles, industries and forest fires are frequent sources of air pollution.
according to WHO

Atmospheric pressure

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Pressure exerted to any body, surrounded by the atmosphere, by the weight of the column of air situated above it. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm of mercury. This pressure decreases with altitude.
according to IFREMER

Auction system

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
Issue related to the valuation of a good/property in a contingent valuation, which can be considered in different ways. The first of them corresponds to a system of increasing or decreasing successive bids. Example: we propose an amount to the individual and, according to his response (acceptance or rejection), we propose a second amount (higher or lower), then a third amount, and so on. The criticisms made to this mechanism are for the most part linked to the fact that responses are highly dependent on the first offer.
According to Robert Cameron Mitchell (economist)


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
An administrative police act that authorizes an activity or development (abstraction, discharge, work, etc) by laying out the conditions for business or implementation and allowing the administration to closely monitor it. Please refer in particular to "procedure" and "nomenclature"
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Authorization or declaration subject to the Environmental Code

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
This term includes declarations and authorizations related to the Water Law, declarations and authorizations related to Classified Facilities for Environmental Protection (ICPE), authorizations for Inert Waste Storage Facilities (ISDI), etc. However, according to the principle of independence of the regulations, this term does not include authorizations or declarations under another code, the Urban Planning Code in particular.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency

Average annual rainfall

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Average rainfall over a year: it is obtained mostly by adding the average daily rainfalls of the year and dividing the result by the number of days in the year.
According to OFB

Average depth

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Average water depth in metres. The average depth of a body of water is calculated by dividing the volume by the surface area, both determined at the average elevation for a natural body of water, and at the normal operating elevation for an artificial body of water.
According to OFB

Average elevation

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Usual average altitude of the water line of a natural body of water. The average elevation is calculated by regularly measuring the height of the water line of the water body using a scale, indexed on the geographic levelling in force or any other technical means (probe, sounding line or other) and on a given period (calendar year or other period). For lack of regular measurements, especially for smaller water…
According to OFB

Avoided-cost method

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
Method for estimating the costs to be incurred should the studied environmental good be absent. For example, the disappearance of a wetland for flood control would result in an increased flood risk and therefore an increase in the damage caused.
According to the Ministry for the Environment