Glossaire de A à Z
The taxon is any unit (genus, family, species, subspecies, etc.) of the hierarchical classifications of living things. Generally the term is used in the specific (species) and subspecific (subspecies) ranks.
Taxonomic variety
Science de la classification des êtres vivants.
Technical scenario
Set of technical specifications that describe the interface (questions and answers) of a web service. A scenario prepared by the National Service for Water Data and Reference-dataset Management (Sandre) is a specification document that describes the procedures for the exchange of data of a web service based on a format. It is especially used for showing the data stored in databases via Internet. A technical scenario is based on one or more interchange scenarios and is materialized by files in WSDL and PDF formats.
Technical Water Committee
Territorial sea
Sovereign base area of a coastal tate of 12 miles width (at most) from its baselines.
Territorial waters
Test dataset
Homogeneous set of data based on specifications. A test dataset provided by the National Service for Water Data and Reference-dataset Management (Sandre) is a set of data on professions/jobs produced by the Sandre as an example.
Thermal drying of sludge
Thermal stratification
Threatened species
Threshold value
Tidal coefficient
Tidal current
Tidal frequency
Tidal marsh
Tidal movement
Tidal power
Tidal range
Change in water level as a function of periods of high or low-flow in a body of water, or of the level of high tide and low sea water level. It is measured in metres between two dates.
Tidal reach
Tide mark
Refers to the extreme limit reached by the sea in a given day. The lowest tide mark is the limit of continuously submerged lands. It is distant more than 100 metres from the high-flow mark (otherwise it is not entered) and outside estuaries (where an arbitrary line closing the estuary is entered instead of the lowest
Tolerable daily intake (TDI)
Topsoil removal
Torrential hydraulics
Total economic value
Total water consumption
Total volume of water that has been abstracted and may not be used for a variety of reasons: evaporation, transpiration and integration into products consumed by humans or livestock, direct discharge into the sea or other withdrawals from freshwater resources. Water losses, due to leak during transport between the
Total water cost
Toxic pollution
Toxic substances
Toxicity reference value (TRV)
Trace element
Transaction cost
Transfer time
Time required by a molecule or a volume of water, to go through a system (a watershed, an aquifer, a hydrographic network, a soil...).
Transformation scenario
Transitional waters
Surface waters located in the vicinity of river mouths, which are partly saline because of their proximity to littoral waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater inflows.
Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG)
The TDG (Transport of Dangerous Goods) regulations aim to prevent risks to people, property, and the environment, complementing other regulations such as those protecting workers or consumers.
They are based on various international regulations, including the RID regulation (rail transport), the ADR agreement (road transport), the European ADN agreement (inland waterway transport), maritime codes and manuals for the transport of dangerous goods in packages and bulk (maritime transport), as well as the ICAO technical instructions for the safe air transport of dangerous goods (air transport).
Without prejudice to the general rules regarding market access or the rules generally applicable to the transport of goods, the transport of dangerous goods is authorized, provided that the conditions established in the decree of May 29, 2009, known as the "TMD decree," are respected. This decree applies to national or international transport of dangerous goods by road, rail, and inland waterways conducted in France, including loading and unloading operations, transfers between modes of transport, and stops required by transport circumstances.
The decree applies without prejudice to specific provisions for the transport of dangerous goods, particularly those set out in the Highway Code, regulations concerning seaports, transportable pressure equipment, and specific rules for certain types of dangerous goods, such as nuclear materials, explosives, hazardous waste, foodstuffs, or regulations related to volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.
Travel-cost method
Treated wastewater
Treatment line
Trickling filter
Aerobic biological wastewater treatment reactor in which the bacterial purifying biomass is placed on an inert support, forming a biofilm (fixed bed). Wastewater is uniformly distributed on the surface and flow downwards with the gravity, through the pores of the filter. Thus, bacteria can degrade the carbon pollution and a part of the nitrogen one. The natural air ventilation carries to the bacteria, all the oxygen they need to eliminate the pollution.