Glossaire de A à Z
Variable cost
Vegetated discharge area
Virtual water – see water footprint
A physical characteristic of water that can be defined as the resistance to uniform, turbulence-free flow occurring in the mass of a material.
As viscosity increases, the fluid's ability to flow decreases. For a liquid, viscosity generally tends to increase with decreasing temperature.
Vulnerable area
According to the Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 called "nitrates", it means an area designated as vulnerable especially considering the characteristics of land and water as well as all available data on the nitrate concentration in water. Areas that feed waters are defined as: either affected by pollution (groundwater and surface freshwaters, especially those used for the abstraction of water intended for human consumption, whose nitrate concentration exceeds 50 milligrams per litre, and estuarine, coastal and marine waters and surface freshwaters which have undergone