Glossaire de A à Z


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun

Wire mesh cage to be filled with stones and pebbles for the protection of engineering structures or river banks.

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB


Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun
Creeping mollusc often having a spiral shell wherein its visceral mass is wound up and protected, and which moves by contraction of its broad single foot.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and IOWater


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Determination of flow characteristics (velocity or flow rate) for a stream or headwaters.
According to the Ministry of Ecology


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Online service offered by the French government to allow individuals and organizations to find geospatial products and services produced by the French public administrations, local authorities and institutions. The Geocatalogue offers organizations the possibility to record and reference their organization, their data, their web services and their resources. The Geocatalogue is not exclusive and provides a link to other catalogues of spatial data. It meets the
According to BRGM


Updated on 09/11/2021
Sens technique

Ensemble des éléments des sous-sols, sols et paysages qui, assemblés les uns aux autres, constituent des systèmes organisés, issus de processus géologiques (SHARPLES, 1995). Cela concerne autant les phénomènes passés de la Terre (traces de vie, d'écosystèmes et d'environnements), observables dans les sous-sols, sols et paysages, que les phénomènes courants actuels (biologiques, climatiques, atmosphériques) qui agissent sur ces mêmes sous-sols, sols et paysages (EBERHARD, 1997).

d'après l'INPN
Sens réglementaire

Diversité géologique, géomorphologique, hydrologique et pédologique ainsi que l'ensemble des processus dynamiques qui les régissent, y compris dans leurs interactions avec la faune, la flore et le climat. L'article L110-1 du Code de l'environnement modifié par la loi n° 2021-85 du 29 janvier 2021 visant à définir et protéger le patrimoine sensoriel des campagnes françaises

d'après code de l'environnement

Geographic coordinates

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Latitude, longitude and elevation of a place. To specify a location on the surface of the planet, we can use a different system called "cartographic coordinates". To get a location on the Earth, it is necessary to use a geodetic system which gives the geographic coordinates found on maps. The latter can be expressed either in the form of longitude and latitude (called geographic coordinates), or of a planar…
According to BRGM and OFB

Geographic Information System

Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens technique
Information system (computerized and automated) that can process (capture, store, manipulate, manage, analyze, present) many geospatial data.
According to Irstea


Updated on 07/06/2022
Sens commun

Opération consistant à localiser une entité (ouvrage, évènement,...) dans un référentiel géographique donné avec plus ou moins de précision : de façon absolue (longitude, latitude, altitude ; ou X, Y, Z) ou relative (commune, zone hydrographique, système aquifère, cours d'eau, masse d'eau, point kilométrique, etc.) selon un système de coordonnées géographiques connu. Par extension, la numérisation sur carte est une géolocalisation : on crée un objet géographique dans le référentiel au lieu d'en attribuer un existant

d'après Ministère chargé de l’environnement, Sandre
Sens technique

Opération consistant à localiser une entité (ouvrage, évènement,...) dans un référentiel géographique donné avec plus ou moins de précision : de façon absolue (longitude, latitude, altitude ; ou X, Y, Z) ou relative (commune, zone hydrographique , système aquifère , cours d'eau, masse d'eau, point kilométrique, etc.) selon un système de coordonnées géographiques connu.

d'après Ministère chargé de l'environnement

Geomorphological functioning

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens commun
The functioning of streams according to different landforms and causes explaining it.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Science that studies the landforms and their mobility and dynamics. In hydrosystems, the analysis focuses on the geometry of the riverbed and on the causes of its spatial (from upstream to downstream) or time-slot transformations in connection with the modification of solid and liquid flows, the dynamics of
According to Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency

Global Change

Updated on 05/03/2019
Sens commun

Induced change in the dynamics of the biosphere by human activities, directly or not.

d'après Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse

Global conservation status

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

For a natural habitat, sum of the influences acting on a natural habitat and typical species that may affect its long-term natural distribution, structure and functions as well as the long-term survival of its typical species within the territory. For species, sum of the influences acting on the species concerned that may affect the long-term distribution and abundance of its populations within the territory.

According to the European Commission

Global water cycle

Updated on 28/04/2021
Sens commun

Circulation naturelle de l’eau sur Terre. Entre terre et ciel, la même eau est en circulation permanente depuis des milliards d’années. C’est toujours la même eau qui circule et se transforme en permanence dans l’atmosphère, à la surface et dans le sous-sol de notre Terre.

L’eau existe sous trois états physiques : liquide (océan, mer, pluie), solide (glace, neige, givre) et gazeux (dans l’air). Elle circule et se transforme dans l’atmosphère, à la surface de la Terre et dans le sous-sol, suivant différents processus naturels qui constituent tous ensemble le cycle de l’eau : évaporation, précipitations, ruissellement, infiltration.
Cette ressource vitale au fonctionnement de la planète l'est aussi pour les milieux aquatiques à travers lesquels elle s’écoule. Ce sont des écosystèmes indispensables à la biodiversité et aux êtres humains pour de nombreuses raisons.

d'après l'OFB et les Agences de l'eau

Good environmental status of marine waters (BEE)

Updated on 06/01/2021
Sens technique

Bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes (au niveau biologique, physique, chimique et sanitaire) permettant un usage durable du milieu marin. Onze descripteurs qualitatifs (annexe 1 de la DCSMM), communs à tous les États membres de l'Union européenne, servent à définir le bon état écologique : Biodiversité ; Espèces non indigènes ; Espèces commerciales ; Réseaux trophiques ; Eutrophisation ; Intégrité des fonds marins ; changements hydrographiques ; Contaminants ; Questions sanitaires ; Déchets marins ; Bruit sous-marin.





D'après OFB

Good status

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens réglementaire
Goal to be achieved for all waters by 2015, according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, unless postponement or definition of a less strict target. The good status of surface water is achieved when both its ecological status and chemical status are at least "good". The good status of groundwater is achieved when both its quantitative status and chemical status are at least "good…
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
Establishment of more flexible and ethical methods for control or regulation, based on an open and informed partnership between different stakeholders and interested parties, at both local and global levels. Water governance is the sharing of decision-making between the state, local elected representatives, citizens and private stakeholders.
according to OFB and Agroparistech

Grassy buffer zone

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

Grass strip bordering a plot, mainly located along rivers, which acts as a buffer zone by intercepting and filtering runoff water.

According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Gravel pit

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Artificial body of water originally created by gravel extraction and primarily fed by groundwater.
According to OFB

Gravity dam

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
A rather old dam, made of a block of solid material (concrete or masonry) heavy enough to withstand the water pressure.
according to the French Committee of Dams and Reservoirs

Green algae

Updated on 27/02/2019
Sens commun

Chlorophyllous aquatic plant having no leaves, no roots, no vessels, no flowers, no seeds, whose main photosynthetic pigments are chlorophylls a and b. As the name suggests, they are usually green in color.

d'après dictionnaire Larousse
Sens technique

Algae phylum whose sometimes exclusive major pigment is chlorophyll β, associated with carotene and xanthophyll. Their only reproductive organs are sporocysts and gametocysts. Their plastids elaborate starch as in the Phanerogamous. It includes three classes: Chlorophyceae, Zygophyceae and Charophyceae.

d'après dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences de la nature et de la biodiversité

Green and Blue Habitat network

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Network consisting of terrestrial ecological ("green" habitat) and aquatic ("blue" habitat) continuities, especially identified in regional ecological coherence schemes (RECS). The green and blue habitats (GBH) contribute to the enabling conservation status of natural habitats and species and to the good ecological status of water bodies, as well as to maintain the services that biodiversity provides (water quality, pollination, flood prevention, improvement of the living environment, etc.). It extends to the transversal limit of the sea. The GBH is a tool of sustainable development and regional planning, with the master plans for water development and management (SDAGE). It is also a tool for preserving biodiversity, combined with all the other existing tools: protected areas, national parks, nature reserves, biotope protection decrees, Natura 2000, regional natural parks, national action plans for endangered species, etc.) under the 2011-2020 National Biodiversity Strategy.
according to the Ministry of the Environment

Green Budget

Updated on 28/10/2020
Sens commun

Nouvelle classification des dépenses de l’État afin d'évaluer leur impact au regard de 6 objectifs environnementaux :

  •  Lutte contre le changement climatique (mesures d’atténuation) ;
  •  Adaptation au changement climatique et prévention des risques naturels ;
  •  Gestion de la ressource en eau ;
  •  Économie circulaire, déchets et prévention des risques technologiques ;
  •  Lutte contre les pollutions (air, sols, bruit…) ;
  •  Biodiversité et protection des espaces naturels, agricoles et sylvicoles.

Le budget vert confirme un budget pour 2021 à la hauteur de ses ambitions environnementales. La France, est le premier pays au monde à réaliser une évaluation environnementale de l’ensemble de son budget.

Sens technique

Nouvelle classification des dépenses budgétaires et fiscales selon leur impact sur l’environnement et identification des ressources publiques à caractère environnemental. Celle-ci permet d’évaluer la compatibilité du budget aux engagements de la France comme l’accord de Paris sur le climat.


d'après Ministère de l'économie des finances

Green Gross Domestic Product

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Measurement which subtracts from the usual gross domestic product (GDP) the decrease in the stock of natural resources (e.g. water resources). This accounting method would allow having better knowledge about whether an economic activity increases or lowers national wealth when it uses natural resources. However, economists believe that it could be difficult to establish this new indicator.
According to Jean Gadrey (economist)

Green Infrastructure

Updated on 11/04/2022
Sens technique

Réseau stratégique constitué de zones naturelles et semi-naturelles de qualité, ainsi que d’autres éléments environnementaux, qui est conçu et géré dans le but de rendre de nombreux services écosystémiques et de protéger la biodiversité dans les milieux ruraux et urbains.

d'apès Commission Européenne

Green tide

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Pollution caused by the stranding of large amounts of green algae (sea lettuces) on the beaches.
According to Ifremer

Green water

Updated on 16/04/2021
Sens commun

Part de l'eau issue des précipitations atmosphériques qui est absorbée par les végétaux. Elle est utilisée pour les cultures et les pâturages.

d'après INRAe, WWF France et JO
Sens technique

Eau consommée ou évaporée par les plantes lors du phénomène naturel d'évapotranspiration (volume d'eau transféré du sol à l'atmosphère via l'évaporation au niveau du sol et la transpiration des plantes).

On peut se baser sur l'évapotranspiration réelle (constatée et dument calculée pour une espèce en un point donné à une époque donnée) ou sur l'évapotranspiration potentielle (calcul théorique basé sur des données les plus précises possibles sur le type de plantes, le temps d'étude et la localisation géographique) selon les données disponibles.

d'après INRAe, WWF France et Actu-Environnement

Greenhouse effect

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Heating of the earth's atmosphere caused by the presence of certain heat trapping gases (including water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane). These gases absorb radiation from the Earth, thereby delaying the energy loss of the atmospheric system to space. The greenhouse effect has been a natural atmospheric phenomenon for millions of years and keeps the Earth at a temperature sufficient for human beings to live.
According to Ifremer

Greywater (EG)

Updated on 16/04/2021
Sens commun

Eaux usées produites par les activités domestiques, à l'exclusion des eaux noires. Les eaux grises ont vocation à être réutilisées après avoir subi un traitement. Elles sont des eaux issues des douches, des baignoires, des lavabos, des lave-linges, des éviers et des lave-vaisselle. Elles sont collectées par un réseau et habituellement dirigées vers un dispositif d’assainissement

d'après JO et l'ANSES


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Fixed or mobile structure, situated downstream and/or upstream of a fish farm, preventing the free circulation of fish.
According to OFB and IOWater

Gross load of organic pollution

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
For sanitation in an agglomeration, the sum of connected domestic pollution and industrial pollution. It is the daily pollution peak in dry weather. For industries, this pollution is determined by the water agencies using standard or measured coefficients, depending on the type of activity and the volume of activity. The gross load of organic pollution is defined by Article R2224-6 of the General Code of Local Authorities, such as the oxygen weight corresponding to the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) calculated on the basis of the daily average load in the week during which occurred the highest load of pollutants in the year.
According to the Ministry for the Environment


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Phenomenon where an internal wave reaching the coast causes a rise, sometimes very high (up to 2 m) and lasting long enough, of the instantaneous mean sea level.
According to Ifremer


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
All waters beneath the surface of the ground in direct contact with the soil or subsoil and which pass sooner or later (day, month, year, century, millennium) through cracks and pores of the soil into saturated or unsaturated medium.
According to OFB

Groundwater depletion

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Permanent or temporary drop in the piezometric level of groundwater, due to a natural or artificial change in its recharge or abstraction.
according to the Adour-Garonne Water Agency and BRGM

Groundwater Hydraulics

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
A branch of hydraulics that mathematically studies the natural gravity flow (of an aquifer) or the induced flow (by drainage or pumping, for example) of free groundwater in permeable media, under the effect of a hydraulic or pressure gradient.
according to Wikipedia

Groundwater level rising

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Rising of the groundwater level or of the piezometric surface due to a recharge after depletion.
according to UNESCO

Groundwater protection

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Set of regulations and measures taken to protect groundwater resources.
according to the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Languedoc-Roussillon

Groundwater quality control

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

Checking groundwater quality as to its compliance with regulatory requirements or specific characteristics, and based on previously established procedures (sample methods, analytical, etc).

According to BRGM

Groundwater recharge

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

According to the hydro-geological meaning, a water volume supplying an aquifer over a given time. Rainfalls are mainly recharging groundwater. Unconfined groundwaters are recharged rather fast at each rainfall event. The rise in water levels and rainfall events are observed on a piezometric curve.

According to BRGM

Groundwater restoration/remediation

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Corrective action to improve the quality of groundwater.
according to the Ministry of the Environment

Groundwater ridge

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Groundwater divide. Line at zero flow (no flow) between two adjacent groundwater basins. On each side of this ridge, the values of the measured piezometry (see this term) are lower than those measured (or estimated) on the ridge.
According to the Ministry of Ecology

Groundwater sheet

Updated on 18/03/2020
Sens commun

Area of ​​the subsoil in which the water completely occupies the interstices of the rock (aquifer) and is likely to move laterally under the effect of gravity and pressure gradients.

According to BRGM and OFB
Sens technique

All of the water contained in a permeable fraction of the earth's crust which is completely soaked, as a result of the infiltration of water into the smallest interstices of the basement and its accumulation above an impermeable layer. Groundwater tables only form underground rivers in karstic areas. Groundwater corresponding to water infiltrated into the ground, circulating in the permeable rocks of the subsoil, form "reserves". Different types of aquifers are distinguished according to various criteria which can be: geological (alluvial aquifers - superficial porous media, aquifers in cracked environment - carbonate or eruptive, aquifers in karst environment - carbonate, aquifers in porous environment - sandstone, sand) or hydrodynamic ( alluvial aquifers, free aquifers, or captive aquifers The same aquifer may have a free part and a captive part.

According to BRGM

Groundwater table

Updated on 19/06/2018
Sens technique
First sheet encountered while digging a well. It is usually unconfined, i.e. whose surface is at the atmospheric pressure. It may also be under pressure if the covering soil has a low permeability. When it is unconfined, it flows into an aquifer having an unsaturated zone close to ground level.
According to BRGM

Groundwater-fed river

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Stream whose water comes mainly from the aquifer it drains.
according to French National Committee of Hydrological Sciences

Groundwater-river relationship

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Exchange of water in one direction or the other between groundwater and a watercourse. Depending on the level of the water line, and of the seasons, groundwater feeds the river or is fed by the latter especially during floods. In the case of karstic aquiifer, these relationships are significant and localized.
According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Groundwater/river exchange

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Exchange of water in one direction or the other between an aquifer and a river. Depending on the level of the water line, and on the season, groundwater feeds the river or is fed by it, particularly during floods. In the case of karst, these relationships are important and localised.
according to OFB

Guide value

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
A value which is often more stringent than the compelling value. The guide value is an objective that Member States should strive to achieve.
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Large recess from the coast, often of the order of magnitude of hundreds of kilometres. Gulfs are often wide open to the sea.
According to Ifremer