Glossaire de A à Z
Background noise
Bacteriological pollution
Balanced and sustainable management of water resources
Ballast water
Bankfull discharge bed
Limit beyond which the water spills into the floodplain. It corresponds to the high-flow (or morphogenetic flow). Calculating the width of the bankfull discharge bed is a convenient measurement unit to describe the relationship between the size of the watercourse and its
Barcelona Convention
Barrier beach
A substance that dissociates more or less completely in aqueous solution to produce OH- ions. A base is stronger the more OH- ions it produces in water.
Bases react with acids to produce a salt and water.
Some bases: lime Ca(OH)2, soda NaOH, sodium carbonate Na2CO3...
Basel Convention
Baseline scenario
Basic-stage flood
Basin Committee
Assembly gathering different public or private stakeholders, acting in the field of water in a basin or group of basins. The basin committee is consulted on the opportunity of significant activities of common interest planned in the basin, more generally, on all issues related to the management of water and aquatic environments. It defines the orientations of the water agency's actions and participates in its financial decision-making. It approves the assessment and river basin management plan (SDAGE) and prepares the register…
Basin Coordinator Prefect
Prefect of the region in which the basin committee has its home office. The Basin Coordinator Prefect facilitates and coordinates State policy regarding water law enforcement and water resources management in order to achieve unity and consistency in decentralized government actions on these issues in the regions and Departments concerned. He approves the river basin
Basin delegatee
Position of the regional director in charge of the environment working at the side of the Basin Coordinator Prefect. He helps the basin coordinator prefect in his tasks, takes care of the secretariat of the Basin Administrative Commission, facilitates and coordinates the activities of the decentralized government services involved in water and provides advice and technical assistance to basin organizations. He is member of the River-basin district level. He is especially in charge, under the authority of the Basin Coordinator Prefect, of the following tasks: to…
Basin master plan for water data
Document describing for each hydrographical basin the multi actor collaboration and the means required to build the information system for water (SIE). The plan must approach the production, the collect and the availability of data. It is approved by the prefect, after the consultation of the basin comity, the SIE users comity and the permanent commission of the CNE.
Basket of representative goods (and services to the end user)
Basket, built by the statistical institutes, to monitor change in price levels for a number of products, weighted by their share in consumption. Price monitoring is done by permanent survey and sample.
Bathing area
Bathing water
Bathing Water Directive
Behavioural health risk
Benefit-transfer method
Benthic invertebrate
Benthic stage
Benthic zone
Bequest value
In the context of public works: development of a slope at the foot of an hydraulic structure to protect it.
In the context of flood risk reduction: development that consists of a medium-full bed in order to increase the capacity of a watercourse and to reduce water levels during flooding.
Berne Convention
Biais informationnel ! Information bias
All the natural environments and life forms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, etc.), as well as all the relationships and interactions that exist, on the one hand, between the living organisms themselves, and on the other, between these organisms and their living environments.
Ensemble des activités économiques fondées sur les bioressources, c'est à dire les matières organiques terrestres ou marines, végétales ou animales. Elle crée les les conditions de passage d'une économie fondée sur les ressources fossiles à une économie fondée sur la biomasse.
Ensemble des activités économiques qui couvre tous les secteurs et les systèmes qui s’appuient sur les ressources biologiques (animaux, plantes, micro-organismes et dérivés de la biomasse dont les déchets organiques), leurs fonctions et leurs principes. Cela inclut les écosystèmes marins et terrestres et leurs interconnexions ainsi que les services qu’ils procurent, tous les secteurs de la production primaire qui utilisent et produisent des ressources biologiques (agriculture, foret, pêche et aquaculture) et tous les secteurs économiques et industriels qui utilisent les ressources biologiques et les transforment pour produire des aliments pour les hommes et les animaux, des produits biosourcés, de l’énergie et des services.
Biogeographical region
Large area that has relatively homogeneous ecological conditions (including climate) with common characteristics in terms of group of species. Under the habitats, fauna and flora directive, the European Union has eleven terrestrial biogeographic regions and the seven marine biogeographical regions. France is affected by four terrestrial regions (Atlantic, Alpine, Continental and Mediterranean) and two marine regions (Atlantic and Mediterranean marine).
A living species which, by its presence or absence, abundance or scarcity, allow to assess the degree of pollution of water or air. (e.g : lichens for the atmosphere, salmonids for rivers, etc.)
Specie or group of species whose observed characteristics (occurrence, abundance, biomass, biological traits, etc.) provide an indication of the level of environmental degradation. A bioindicator is therefore subject to measures to indicate the presence or effects of pollutants and thus allows the quality of the environment in which it is collected to be assessed. It can be considered complementary (especially for the spatial distribution of pollution, the characterization of synergies, the gradual pollution, etc.) of networks of physicochemical measurements.
Biological Corridor
Biological cycle
Biological filter
Process used for the wastewater treatment (by biofiltration) or to eliminate gaseous pollutants dissolved in the water, or to filter surface water in order to make it potable.
Biological index
Biological oxygen demand
Biological reservoir
According to section I-1° of Article L. 214-17 of the Environmental Code, it means a river, a part of river or canal that comprises one or more spawning or habitats of species of phytoplankton,
Biological sludge
Ensemble de la matière organique, d'origine végétale ou animale
Masse totale de matière de toutes les espèces vivantes présentes dans un écosystème donné. La biomasse peut également désigner un sous ensemble de cette masse comme la masse totale de matière vivante présente à un niveau trophique donné, voire d'une famille ou d'une espèce dans un écosystème (poids total de la matière d'un individu, d'un groupe, d'une classe d'âge, d'un stock, d'une population, ...).
All living organisms (flora, fauna and fungi, and microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, microfungi ...) present in a habitat (natural or semi-natural) or biotope individual or a place or a particular region. Biota includes the description of the organization of species and species richness.
Space characterized by climate, geographical, physical, morphological and geological factors, ... in constant or cyclic equilibrium and occupied by organisms that live in specific association (living communities). This is the non-living component (abiotic) of the ecosystem.
Biotope protection order
Order established by the department prefect to implement measures to conserve biotopes such as ponds, marshes, swamps, heathland, dunes, groves, hedgerows, lawns and any natural formation not exploited by humans since these biotopes are necessary for reproduction, feeding, rest, survival of protected species. The biotope protection order is particularly adapted to deal with emergency situations of destruction or significant modification of an area.
Black tide
Domestic wastewater from toilets, generated during the evacuation of faeces and urine and which, as a result, contains a high concentration of organic matter and micro-organisms.
Blue Bioeconomy
Activités liées aux mers, fleuves et les lacs, mais également toutes les activités qui y sont associées. Pour donner quelques exemples, citons la pêche et l'aquaculture, les énergies renouvelables, le tourisme côtier, les transports maritimes, les biotechnologies, la manutention portuaire et les services numériques liés à l'univers aquatique.
Ensemble des activités liées à la production, à la mobilisation, à l’utilisation et à la transformation de bioressources renouvelables issues du milieu aquatique, marin ou d’eau douce.
Blue water
BOD capacity
Body of water
Bottled water
Brackish water
Braided river bed
Breaking of a dike
Brown infrastructure (soil)
Expression inventée sur le modèle de la Trame Verte et Bleue, appliquée à la continuité écologique des sols. Largement ignorés pendant de nombreuses années, ces derniers sont pourtant essentiels au fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Ce terme désigne le réseau écologique en profondeur, à préserver et restaurer.
BSS code
National Code of Sub-Soil (BSS) assigned by the Office of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM) to underground structures including water abstractions. Established according to the principle of positioning a point on a 1:50,000 geological map, the BSS code is of the following form: 08035X0398 / F. The characteristics that are associated with it (geographic coordinates, depth and geological profile) are then used to precisely locate each intake and identify the abstracted groundwater.