Basin Committee

Updated on 26/10/2022
Périmètres des comités de bassin
Sens réglementaire

Assembly gathering different public or private stakeholders, acting in the field of water in a basin or group of basins. The basin committee is consulted on the opportunity of significant activities of common interest planned in the basin, more generally, on all issues related to the management of water and aquatic environments. It defines the orientations of the water agency's actions and participates in its financial decision-making. It approves the assessment and river basin management plan (SDAGE) and prepares the register of protected areas. It gives an opinion on the programme of measures and on the water status monitoring programme. It approves the land policy for safeguarding wetlands conducted by the Water Agency. It is consulted on the area and the time within which must be prepared or reviewed the Sub-basin management plans (SAGEs) and also gives an opinion on the planned SAGEs. It also gives its opinion on the draft classification of watercourses under Article L. 214-17 of the Environmental Code and the draft environmental objectives for the marine environment included in the action plans for the marine environment. It is an interested party in the implementation of the flood directive. The action area of the local public basin authorities is defined after consulting the basin committee, in particular. In continental France, a basin committee is made up of: representatives of General and Regional Councils as well as of municipalities or groups of municipalities competent in the field of water (40%), representatives of users of water and aquatic environments, socio-professional organizations, state-approved associations for environmental protection and consumer protection, representatives of fisheries and qualified people (up to 40%), representatives of the State and its public institutions concerned (up to 20%). The president is elected by the representatives of the first two groups. There are twelve basin committees in France

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB
Thématiques associées
Termes associés à des définitions du Sandre
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.