Programme of measures

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Document prepared for the basin or group of basins and for the duration of a six-year management cycle (2010-2015, 2016-2021, 2022-2027, etc), which identifies the key measures to be implemented for achieving the objectives defined in the river basin management plan (SDAGE), including the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive. Measures are concrete actions with a timetable, a contracting authority and a financial assessment. They can be regulatory, financial or contractual. The programme of measures includes: (i) the "basic measures", which are the minimum requirements to meet and which correspond to the implementation of the water-related directives (Directive on Urban Wastewater Treatment, Nitrates Directive, Directive on Bathing Waters, etc), to the activities of water law enforcement and to the systems for water billing and the management of water taxes levied by the water agencies, and the functioning of action plans mainly on the "Grenelle" catchment areas of water intakes; and (ii) the "complementary measures", which are the measures to be taken in addition to the basic measures to achieve the objectives defined in the SDAGE. The programme of measures is issued by the Basin Coordinator Prefect after collaboration with the basin committee. It is prepared at the same time as the SDAGE, objectives and measures being defined iteratively, and the subject of similar consultation procedures and local dialogue. The River-basin district level is the technical body in charge of drafting the elements of the programme of measures.

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.