Ecological integrity

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique

Is known to be achieved for an ecosystem when its abiotic and biotic native components (plants, animals and other organisms) and processes (such as growth and reproduction) or the development of biogeological and natural cycles are intact (dunes or river banks, clearings and edges that are not fixed, etc). For English people, this concept is often called a "healthy ecosystem", that the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC refers to as "good ecological status" of aquatic ecosystems and river basins. In French-Speaking Europe, the concept of ecological integrity (or ecological landscape) also refers to the non- fragmentation of ecosystems by transport infrastructure (that hardly can be crossed by most species) or by "polluted" areas or man-made areas that are very hostile to fauna, flora, fungi, etc. There is "ecological integrity" when all components of the ecosystem are normally and functionally active and preserved.

According to Wikipedia
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Soumis au comité de relecture.