Inter-service Mission for Water

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Coordinating body to increase the consistency of State actions under the authority of the prefects. The Inter-service Mission for Water (MISE) gathers the directors of major deconcentrated services and local public institutions [in particular: DREAL(regional directorate for the environment), DDTM (departmental directorate for lands and seas), DDCSPP (departmental directorate for social cohesion and protection of populations), Gendarmerie, ONEMA (national agency for water and aquatic environments), water agencies, ONCFS (national agency for hunting and wild life), Prefecture, DIRM (inter-regional directorate for the sea)] to discuss priorities and arrangements for the implementation of water policy and its connection with sectoral policies, ensuring the right combination with governing, financial and public engineering tools. The head of the MISE is the Departmental Director for Lands (DDT). The DREAL coordinates the MISEs at regional level.

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB
Thématiques associées
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.