
Updated on 18/01/2023
Sens commun

Insects with incomplete metamorphoses, with aquatic larvae, such as dragonflies and damselflies.

according to Larousse dictionary
Sens technique

Order of hemimetabolic insects, terrestrial in the adult state, aquatic in the larval state, known under the name of Dragonflies or Damselflies, and whose adults are characterised by a large and mobile head, bearing very developed compound eyes, very short and filiform antennae, a crushing type mouth apparatus, by small and weak legs used mainly for gripping prey, by very large, membranous, hyaline or coloured wings, with a tight network of small veins which, at rest, are held vertical or oblique behind (Zygoptera) or arranged more or less horizontally (Anisoptera)

according to CNRTL
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