Plant protection products. There may be some confusion with pesticides, which are phytosanitary products, but only intended to fight against organisms considered harmful. Phytosanitary products are used in large quantities in various ranges of application: firstly agriculture, but also roads (maintenance of roads and railways) and various private uses (gardening, treatment of facilities, etc). In fact phytosanitary products style the same products as pesticides, but they are then used for agriculture and crop protection. The phytosanitary products include many classes of products such as insecticides (which kill insects), fungicides (which eliminate fungi), herbicides (weeding), nematicides (which kill nematodes and earthworms), rodenticides (used to get rid of various rodents such as rats, mice, field mice, garden dormice, etc).
Sens technique
According to Ifremer
Thématiques associées
Autres termes utiles à la compréhension issus du glossaire
Documents de référence
Directive 98/8/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 16 février 1998 concernant la mise sur le marché des produits biocides, Règlement (CE) n°1107/2009 du parlement européen et du conseil du 21 octobre 2009 concernant la mise sur le marché des produits phytopharmaceutiques et abrogeant les directives 79/117/CEE et 91/414/CEE du Conseil.
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.