Specific Response Plan

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Document that defines the measures to take for dealing with a major crisis (accidental pollution or catastrophic event), and which aims at planning rescue, organizing the flow of information between the services concerned, informing the public with the necessary instructions, delimiting possible evacuation areas, etc. The Specific Response Plan (PPI) provides an update of a number of maps and inventories (list of water abstraction areas, water intakes, etc.). The circular of 18 February 1985 indicates the measures needed to develop such a plan. The Specific Response Plans (PPIs), based on types of possible accidents and pre-set scenarios (including industrial risks), describe the measures imposed on the polluter, and that the latter should take before the intervention of the police authority. We often speak of "departmental action plan" (attached to the departmental ORSEC plan).
According to the Ministry of Ecology
Thématiques associées
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.