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Affichage des termes 251 à 275 sur un total de 1521

Inland waterway

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
A harnessed river or canal open to traffic and waterways transport.
according to Wikipedia

Aquifer vulnerability

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Risk of infiltration of pollutants from the surface, through the soil and unsaturated zone. The vulnerability of aquifers is intrinsic: it depends on the topographic (ground slope), pedological (permeability), geological context (permeability, thickness). A confined aquifer, covered by a low permeability formation (often clays) is not very vulnerable as compared to an unconfined aquifer.
according to BRGM

Hazard-prone area

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Area exposed or that could be exposed to hazards or potentially dangerous events (flood, pollution, natural disaster, industrial accident) and where human, economic or environmental issues are involved.
according to the Ministry of the Environment

Nursery area

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Area in which one or more species find an enabling environment for their reproduction.
according to IFREMER

Sludge dewatering

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Process used for treating sewage sludge, changing it from a liquid state to a more or less solid state. Sludge dewatering reduces its volume.
according to Recyconsult


Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Branch of fluid mechanics which concerns the motion of fluids, whether liquid or gaseous. Hydrodynamics focuses on the properties of fluids, including velocity, viscosity, density, pressure, and temperature, as a function of space and time.
according to the Larousse dictionary

Soil moisture index

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique
  Assessing the amount of water available in a soil, as compared to its optimal reserve (useful reserve). When the soil moisture index (SWI) is close to 1, the soil is wet (greater than 1, the SWI indicates that the soil tends to saturation). Conversely, when it tends to 0, the soil is under water stress (less than 0, it indicates that the soil is very dry).
according to OFB

Man made lake

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Large expanse of water surrounded by land, created or enlarged by man, where it is enough that the depth, surface area or volume are sufficient to cause sediment deposit or stratification.
according to Wikipedia

National Park

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Remarkable area of the territory that has been classified as "National Park & nbsp;" because of its exceptional natural wealth, from the point of view of landscape quality and natural, historical or cultural heritage. The establishment of a national park requires a certification by the State. It usually generates specific regulations for the protection of fauna and flora.
according to the Observatory of the Mediterranean Forest

Regional natural park

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
A vast area where the community stakeholders look for a development respectful of the natural balances, and sometimes a solution for maintaining declining traditional activities. A regional natural park (RNP) is usually managed by a public inter-municipal cooperation organisation, an open mixed syndicate whose board of directors is composed of elected representatives of the member communities (municipalities, departments, regions) and sometimes socio-economic partners. PNRs are classified for a 12-year renewable period.
according to the Observatory of the Mediterranean Forest

Hydrological profile

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Methodology, based on the study of stream flows, which allows assessing the water inflow that is specific to any section of the river.
according to Michel Deshaies (geographer)

Groundwater protection

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Set of regulations and measures taken to protect groundwater resources.
according to the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Languedoc-Roussillon


Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens commun

Payment, made in exchange for an operation right, or for the right to use a service. The French Water Agencies collect fees from all users of water in response to the impact of their activities on aquatic environments. These charges, based on the "polluter pays" principle is also a financial resource dedicated to the preservation of water resources and aquatic environments. The fee rate calculation is performed annually by the River Basin committee, under control of the law.

according to Rhône-Méditerranée & Corse Water Agency

Charges/fees for sanitation

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money paid by the users connected to a collective sanitation system, on their water bill. Users of an on-site sanitation facility must pay a special fee to finance the public on-site sanitation service costs.
according to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Agencies

Charges/fees for obstacle on rivers

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount due by any owner of a structure that constitutes a continuous obstacle between the two banks of a watercourse (except for structures forming part of hydroelectric installations subject to the fee for water resource abstraction, or where the height difference is less than 5 m, or located on rivers whose average interannual flow is less than 0.3 m3/s at the right of the obstacle).
according to the Ministry of the Environment, the Court of Auditors and Water Agencies

Charges/fees for pollution from domestic sources

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money paid by all inhabitants of a community according to their water consumption. The individual actions of each inhabitant to reduce his own consumption (wastage control, leak detection...) may directly lower the amounts paid.
according to the Water Agencies

Charges/fees for pollution from non-domestic sources

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money paid by the industrialists according to the volume of the discharged pollution. This fee aims to encourage companies and manufacturers to reduce their discharges. The charge rates are set according to the pollutant elements and can be modulated by zone, to take into account the status of the natural environment.
according to the Water Agencies

Charges/fees for non-point source pollution

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money paid by producers of plant protection products. This fee takes into account the level of toxicity and dangerousness of substances used in agricultural and gardening activities. It encourages users to choose less polluting products.
according to the Water Agencies

Charges/fees for water abstraction/withdrawal

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money due for water withdrawals, regardless of the user (municipality, industry, farmer) according to specific thresholds. This fee usually has two components: one based on the amount of water withdrawn, the other on the amount of water consumed (i.e. taken and not returned to the natural environment).
according to the Water Agencies and Court of Auditors

Charges/fees for the protection of aquatic environments

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Amount of money paid by fishermen at the issuing of the fishing license. It is levied by the departmental or interdepartmental federations of approved associations for fishing and the protection of aquatic environments, from approved associations of amateur fishermen with gear and nets and from approved associations of professional fishing in freshwater.
according to the Water Agencies

Charges/fees for water storage during low-water periods

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Amount of money paid by people who store all or part of the volume flowing into a river during low water periods (provided that the capacity of the facility is greater than one million cubic meters). The amount of this fee depends on a rate and a basis, the latter being the volume of water stored during the low water period. The period and the rate are defined by the river basin authorities, according to the hydrological regime of the river.
according to the Water Agencies

Discharge into a river

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Discharge of effluents or pollutants into watercourses.
according to the Ministry of the Environment

Disposal at sea

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Discharge of effluents or pollutants into the sea.
according to the Ministry of the Environment

Underground disposal

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens commun
Discharge of effluents or pollutants on the ground or infiltration into the subsoil.
according to the Ministry of the Environment and BRGM

Green and Blue Habitat network

Updated on 06/09/2018
Sens technique
Network consisting of terrestrial ecological ("green" habitat) and aquatic ("blue" habitat) continuities, especially identified in regional ecological coherence schemes (RECS). The green and blue habitats (GBH) contribute to the enabling conservation status of natural habitats and species and to the good ecological status of water bodies, as well as to maintain the services that biodiversity provides (water quality, pollination, flood prevention, improvement of the living environment, etc.). It extends to the transversal limit of the sea. The GBH is a tool of sustainable development and regional planning, with the master plans for water development and management (SDAGE). It is also a tool for preserving biodiversity, combined with all the other existing tools: protected areas, national parks, nature reserves, biotope protection decrees, Natura 2000, regional natural parks, national action plans for endangered species, etc.) under the 2011-2020 National Biodiversity Strategy.
according to the Ministry of the Environment