Marine Environment Action Plan (PAMM)

Updated on 04/12/2018
Sens technique
Planning document aiming to achieve the good ecological status of marine waters, adopted under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Each PAMM focuses on a marine sub region, a sea space that is homogeneous in terms of ecological functioning. It consists of five elements, reviewed every six years: initial assessment of the status of the marine sub-region, definition of the good ecological status to be achieved, environmental objectives to achieve good ecological status, monitoring programme for assessing the status of marine waters, a programme of measures including the actions to be implemented to meet the environmental objectives and thus achieve good ecological status. Adopted by the Coordinating Prefects of the Marine Sub-Regions, the PAMMs, during their implementation process, organise a consultation with the stakeholders of the maritime and coastal world, through the maritime councils of the sub-regions (CMF), as well as a public consultation. In metropolitan France, four sub-regions are covered by a PAMM: the Channel-North Sea, Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea.
according to the Ministry of the Environment and IOWater
Review status
Soumis au comité de relecture.