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Document of objectives

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

Reference document, guidance and decision support for each Natura 2000 site based on a consensus-building process, the document of objectives (DOCOB) sets the appropriate management measures to be implemented to preserve or restore the species and habitats that have justified the site designation under Natura 2000.

According to Syndicat Mixte du bassin versant de la Nive

Site of community importance (SCI)

Updated on 25/02/2019
Sens technique

On the basis of proposals from Member States, sites of community importance are selected by the European Commission to integrate the Natura 2000 network, under the habitats, fauna and flora directive. The list of names of those sites is adopted by the European Commission for each biogeographical region. These sites are then designated special areas of conservation by ministerial decree.

According to MNHN

Schorre/Salt marsh

Updated on 04/12/2018
Sens commun
Upper part of a coastal marsh, consisting of solid mud, covered with grass and submerged at high tides.
according to the Robert dictionary
Sens technique
Coastal area corresponding to the upper part of the midlittoral zone and the lower part of the infralittoral zone. The schorre is generally a marsh and colonised by halophytic plants. It is covered only at high tides.
according to the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation of 2017

Nature based Solutions (NbS)

Updated on 21/09/2020
Sens commun

Les Solutions fondées sur la Nature (SfN) sont les actions qui s’appuient sur les écosystèmes afin de relever les défis globaux comme la lutte contre les changements climatiques, la gestion des risques naturels (inondations, sécheresse, submersion marine), la santé, l’accès à l’eau, la sécurité alimentaire…

Les SfN visent à protéger, restaurer et gérer de manière durable les écosystèmes : la préservation des forêts, les rivières en bon état, la restauration et  le fonctionnement des zones humides, tout concourt à agir au plus près du terrain (actions locales pour un objectif global). Il est impératif que la société adopte une combinaison de solutions inspirées par la  nature, dérivées de la nature et fondées sur la nature : Il s'agit bien d'intérêt mutuel. La nature y gagne, et les territoires qui prennent ainsi soin des cycles naturels, du bon état des milieux ont aussi tout à y gagner.

En effet, des écosystèmes sains, résilients, fonctionnels et diversifiés fournissent de nombreux services écosystémiques et permettent donc le développement de solutions au bénéfice de nos sociétés et de la biodiversité, dans le cadre des changements globaux.

d'après UICN, FNE

Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic or Floristic Interest

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Natural Area of special Ecological, Faunistic or Floristic Interest (ZNIEFF) which is the subject of a national scientific inventory under the authority of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle/National Natural History Museum (MNHN) on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment. Two types are well identified: type I: areas of outstanding biological interest, areas of type II covering the large natural areas up to date, the ZNIEFF inventory concerns: wetlands, streams, marshes, bogs, moors, for example.
According to OFB

RAMSAR Convention

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens technique
Intergovernmental treaty signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971 to be used as a framework for national actions and international cooperation for the conservation and sound use of wetlands and of their resources.
According to Rhine-Meuse Water Agency


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Space characterized by climate, geographical, physical, morphological and geological factors, ... in constant or cyclic equilibrium and occupied by organisms that live in specific association (living communities). This is the non-living component (abiotic) of the ecosystem.

According to the Ministry for the Environment and OFB

Pond with brackish water

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Natural body of water occurring in more or less direct connection with the sea and inland waters, which gives it a salinity approximately between 2 and 20°/°°.
According to Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency

Ramsar site

Updated on 16/03/2021
Sens technique

Protected area under the Ramsar convention. This intergovernmental treaty signed on 2 February 1971 in Ramsar (Iran) and ratified by France in 1986, deals with Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitats.

According to Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency

Inland waters

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
All stagnant and running waters on the ground and all underground waters, and located upstream of the baseline used for the delimitation of territorial waters.
According to OFB


Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens commun
Stream which discharges to the downstream part of a river basin the waters of a lake or of any other wetland.
According to OFB


Updated on 08/04/2020
Sens commun

Low region covered by shallow stagnant water, partly overgrown with vegetation adapted to humidity (reeds, aquatic plants, etc.).

According to Larousse dictionnary
Sens technique

Wetland of a particular type characterized by effective management of water levels and regular maintenance of dikes and channels, essential conditions for these anthropogenic wetlands to retain their wet character and their qualities.

According to SANDRE

Land tenure status

Updated on 26/10/2022
Sens technique

Status associated with a body of water, determining the owner: maritime public domain, public waterways domain, State-owned property, local government (municipal, departmental, regional, mixed syndicate), public institution, association, group or company, private property or undetermined.

According to OFB

Biological Corridor

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
All bodies, usually plants, in terrestrial or wetland environments allowing the dispersion of animals and plants between different habitats (forests, wetlands, etc.). Biological corridors play four roles: dispersion corridor for some species, habitat where the species complete their entire life cycle, shelter, home habitat even, which is a reservoir of colonizer individuals. In all cases, they are indispensable to the…
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Alluvial forest

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
A regularly or exceptionally flooded forest ecosystem. It is a wooded strip along a watercourse whose width is greater than 10 metres. In areas flooded during 150 to 200 days per year, the alluvial forest is composed of permanent vegetation consisting of softwood and dominated by willows, alders. A hardwood forest, consisting of ash and elm trees, settles in the highest areas, flooded at least 50 days per year. These forest habitats are home to the newt, European beaver, the otter and many birds. Most of these habitats are of community interest.
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Dry marsh

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Marsh protected from floods and tides by a network of dikes and levees.
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Intermediate marsh

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Marshes partially protected from flooding.
According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Wet marsh

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun

Marsh or area that can be flooded at high-flow or by water silting in the rainy season.

According to Poitou-Charentes Regional Council

Hydrographic network

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
All aquatic environments (bodies of water, watercourses, groundwater, wetlands, etc) found on a given territory; the term network explicitly referring to the physical and functional links between these environments.
According to Adour-Garonne Water Agency

Important Bird Area

Updated on 07/03/2019
Sens commun

Area which is part of the scientific inventory developed under an international program of Birdlife International to identify the most favorable areas for the conservation of wild birds.

According to french National museum of natural history
Sens technique

Area designated under the 1979 Birds Directive 79/409 / EEC. Areas of importance for the conservation of birds (IBAs) are sites that have been identified as important for certain bird species (breeding areas, seabirds). wintering or migration relay areas) during the scientific inventory program launched by the NGO Birdlife International. They don't have a particular legal status. The most suitable sites for the conservation of the most endangered birds are classified totally or partially in Special Protection Areas (SPAs). The latter, associated with the Special Areas of Conservation constitute the network of Natura 2000 sites.

According to Green and Blue Habitat network ressource center
Sens réglementaire

Areas established pursuant to EEC Directive 79/409 on the protection of birds and their habitats. They have been delineated by the network of French ornithologists on the basis of the criteria proposed in a methodological note. After validation, they are designated to be designated Special Protection Areas (SPAs).

According to Legifrance


Updated on 04/07/2018
Sens commun
Adjective that describes the water-sediment interface (= water-lithosphere interface) of an aquatic ecosystem, regardless of its depth (the bottom of lakes or of rivers or of the sea). Also describes an organism living on the river bottom or sea bed (macroinvertebrates, for example).
According to the Ministry of Ecology


Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Amphibious wooded area mainly consisting of mangrove trees found in muddy sediments of tropical coastlines.
According to the International Hydrographic Organization

Tidal marsh

Updated on 13/07/2018
Sens commun
Flat and wet coastal area, poorly drained and often flooded at high water. It is found in river mouths, deep bays and behind barrier beaches.
According to the International Hydrographic Organization


Updated on 20/02/2019
Sens commun

Small and shallow, permanent or seasonal, surface water body. The small foreshore ponds shelter flora and fauna of a wide variety including juveniles of many fish species. Small area of permanent or temporary standing water, usually naturally formed.

According to the International Hydrographic Organization


Updated on 27/02/2019
Sens commun

Spongy land, saturated with water, where marshes extend, and which is difficult to access because of a dense aquatic vegetation.

d'après CNRTL